Past Exhibitions

Grandma's Lullaby

Long Museum  Pudong

Organizer Long Museum Pudong
That relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren is quite special and beautiful which blossoms despite the people have little in common in terms of age and maturity level. The presence of the grandparents in the formative years of children directly affect in their character-building. Particularly for children who have a childhood because of absence of the parents. Yao Dao Wai Po Qiao (Swinging to Grandma's Bridge) is a well-known children's rhyme in China. Although there are many versions, what remains unchanged is the deep memory of our grandparents.

This exhibition Grandma's Lullaby, the Long Museum Pu Dong having selected works on the theme of the relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren, parents care and harvest celebration.
Ticket Information
Tickets: Free
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