"Design Thinking" is a world-renowned innovative thinking system and learning method, first proposed by David Kelley. In 2004, David Kelley founded Stanford University's D. School School of Design, and later founded the well-known innovation consulting company IDEO to promote and practice design thinking. Design thinking includes seven innovative cognitions: empathy, optimism, iteration, creating self-confidence, courage to try, embrace uncertainty, and learn from failure. For children, the establishment of Creative Confidence is the foundation of design thinking, coupled with a series of method aiding to achieve the purpose of "Guided Mastery".
We have always believed: "Art is not about expertise, but a creative activity rooted in human talent, and our children are undoubtedly natural artists. " Based on this concept, Long Museum collaborates with the Young Creative School to introduce the "design thinking" and cultivate children’s hands-on skills, teamwork ability, independent thinking through workshops.
Great artistic creation will never come from a conformist way of thinking. Our workshop will take you to understand Design Thinking, and use Design Thinking and its tools to interpret and practice artistic creation. Design thinking will bring you not only the optimization of methods, but also the exploration and sublimation of aesthetics, meaning and ideas.