Film in Germany, Germany in Film
Date : Dates for Screening:2014/9/6, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27 16:00-17:40 (9/27 begins at 14:00)
Organizer: Abteilung Kultur und Bildung Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Guest: Kristina Nestl,
About Film in City, City in Film
Film in City, City in Film is a long-term film screening and communication project organized by Long Museum, and co-organized by consulates of a number of countries. There will be one film screening for one week, which will be shown in the Long Theater.
The screenings consist of various units of different countries, and 3-5 films will be projected for each unit. By experiencing landscapes from elsewhere and life of the others in the movies, it may also recall your memories and stories about the place. There will also be a sharing-lecture for each unit. We’ll invite a guest-speaker who has a deep relationship with the country or the city to share wonderful experiences andstories with the audiences.
By all these screenings and sharing, we’d like to be the venue for audiences to see, to experience and to share the world.
Film in Germany, Germany in Film
4 Film Screenings & 1 sharing-lecture
Dates for Screening:2014/9/6, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27 16:00-17:40 (9/27 begins at 14:00)
Jump into the Cultural Gap
Date: 2014/9/27 15:30-16:30
Guest-Speaker:Gao Jing, Kristina Nestl
Venue: Long Theatre, second floor of Long Museum West Bund
Organizer:LONG MUSEUM, Abteilung Kultur und Bildung Generalkonsulat der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Screening Schedule
9/6 Gegen Die Wand (Chinese Subtitle)
9/13 Wahrheit oder Pflicht(Chinese Subtitle)
9/20 Good Bye Lenin(English Subtitle)
9/27 【Screening】 Lola Rennt(English Subtitle)+【Lecture】Jump into the Cultural Gap